
Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

  • DLI: O18761749692
  • Campus: Calgary
  • Province: Alberta

Southern Alberta Institute of Technology (SAIT)

The SAIT College offers several courses and applied knowledge to the students who take admission in it as Canada is known for offering several courses to the students and also career programs as well as several other educational courses in the world. SAIT is a polytechnic institute that caters to the preferences of students and offers 100 career programs in technology trade and business. It is known for providing applied education.

The institute has four off-campus locations catering to the needs of students in different fields. The polytechnic provides several bachelor’s degree programs as well as courses traditional too as well as several new, special, and unique courses and programs.

 The polytechnic offers 39% out of the total programs on engineering and technology, 23% for business, management and economics, 13% in the stream of arts and 25% catering to other subjects and disciplines. SAIT offers more than $4 million in awards to students each year. Awards are available to qualifying students in recognition of academic success, financial need and community involvement.

11,023 full time students

8 different schools

Ranked among the top 50 Universities in Canada.


Jliane PerdiguezRegional Manager

Popular courses

  • Health and Public Safety
  • Hospitality and Tourism
  • Information and Communications Technologies
  • Manufacturing and Automation
  • Transportation
  • Advanced Digital Technology

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