
Vancouver Island University

DLI: O19395299688
Province: British Columbia
Campuses: Duncan, Nanaimo, Parksville, Powell River

Vancouver Island University

It Offers over 120 programs offered at VIU encompassing the arts, business, education, health, sciences, tourism, and trades and spread over 92 acres situated on Canada's magnificent west coast.
This is a place of acknowledgement and fair access, achievement and personal attention – a special blend of a caring, nurturing environment serving more than 16,000 students.It’s an essential ingredient for a values-based education that creates an environment balancing academic accomplishments with the goal of developing students' social and relationship skills to last a lifetime, make a difference, and model others to do the same.

VIU graduates join this powerful, supportive, change-making global network of 75,000 alumni when their studies are completed.

120+ taught programs
1 of the 2 universities in Canada that has their own high school located on campus
International students counts for 15% (2,000) of total students coming from 89 countries

Additional Information

Ivy Nguyen
Ivy NguyenRecruitment and Marketing Representative


Popular courses

● Business Administration
● Forensic Accounting And Fraud Investigation
● Graphic Design
● Kinesiology
● Gerontology
● Fisheries And Aquaculture
● Earth Science
● Indigenous Studies
● Culinary Management
● Sustainable Leisure Management

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